sábado, 19 de abril de 2014

Cisco in South Korea- How is Cisco changing people’s life?

Please also Visit my presentation

How is Cisco changing people’s life?

This time I had the opportunity to visit Cisco a successful foreign invested company, located in Songdo area in South Korea is a hub of economic and education in progress. The first thing you see when you arrive at Cisco’s global center of excellence is the Cisco smart connected video wall,  it delivers visual presentations and allows tele-presence connections that can be controlled trough gesture based interactions.

The exhibition area at Cisco catches the visitor’s attention for the high tech and IT developments they have, but something that really catch my attention during the conference was that hardly any of the products of the company was mentioned, instead the “Why” of the company, the reason of Cisco to exist was explained first, Cisco’s Vision is about Smart + Connected communities. The explanation was inside out. Cisco connects everything with its technology, and now this kind of connection is called the Internet of Everything but what is the internet of everything about?
Cisco executes its Vision in a way that solves problems, save energy, makes working productive and connects everything: people, things and data. Cisco’s technology are used in home, Schools, offices, hospitals and public places, helping people to work closer together and enable business to provide better services and products and connecting everyone into smart connected communities to provide greater safety, quality life and enhance productivity and environmental sustainability.

The value of internet for everything lies in the value of connections among people, data and things, not simply in the number of things connected. Below we have examples of the value of connections.  

Education With the present technology students connect with each other regardless of where they are in the world.  Taking a look at political process with elections in two different countries enables students to have a richer understanding of their own system because now they can compare it with something else.

Energy Home network system to control the electricity used to reduce the dependency on the energy.

Life style & Leisure Home network system to control your T.V, music, lights and curtains.

Work & business Commercial buildings are linked by an advanced citywide network, designed to help business operate with efficiency and Video technology enables people to communicate face to face.

Living.  Development of technologies which is connecting all of the building subsystems together: power system, fire alarm system, for reducing the maintenance cost of the building. In the homes people can control with the touch of a button the energy use and adjust everything from lights to air-conditioning.

Well- Being Application to allocate patients in rooms in order of priority and medical monitoring for patient after medical service.  

Would you like to invest or live in Songdo? 

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